Will's cat, Kiwi, is not actually this scary.

Whew. Ok setting up a blog = not at as easy as I originally thought. Mostly because I am so indecisive about the template I want to use. But I think this one is a winner so thank you www.btemplates.com
Anyway, here's the rundown: I've always appreciated photography but a) I've never been any good at it and b) I haven't really taken the time to get good at it. But that's all about to change - well, I hope so at least. I've decided on my dream camera and my first project: 52 photowalks. I've always especially loved scenic photography so I think this project is perfect for me. The plan is this - every week, I choose a location to photograph - some places will be completely new and some will be old, and at the end of the year, I'll have a great collection of photos from 52 unique locations. I'm pretty excited, to say the least - this is giving me the perfect excuse to start traveling again. I've started a list of locations I want to go to for the project ("#34. somewhere international" - I really need to use my passport again before it expires). I'm sure I won't be able to stick exactly to it, but hey, that's what it's all about right? Being spontaneous, discovering new places and seeing old ones from a new angle. Right!
So that's the jist of it. I'm aiming to start pretty soon, hopefully in a year I'll look back on this post and be proud of the portfolio I've built and not have completely failed as a photographer.