So, 3+ months later, I have my camera. I actually picked it out about 2 months ago it was just a matter of actually acquiring it. And it turns out, birthdays are a GREAT way to acquire things. Like cameras. So thanks mom :)
I decided on the Panasonic Lumix GF1. It's amazing. Everything that I want. I picked it because of the size, mostly. It's a micro four-thirds DSLR - which to me means that it takes high quality pictures without being so huge you might not be let into a show or sporting event.

I also purchased a lens from him which, I think, will prove to be PERFECT for this project. It's a 45-200mm f/4-5.6 blah blah blah something or other lens. Basically, it's huge - so huge that it looks funny on my small camera. And it can take pictures of things very far away.
This is going to be fun.
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