Like I said, I got the camera for my birthday. Eugene brought it to me after I had dinner with my parents, Will, Norys, and Lauren. I ran around Nola's taking tons of photos the rest of the night, almost every single one of which is completely blurry.

Despite the rain and the awful first photo attempt, it was a great time and AWESOME birthday. Maybe the best part of it though was getting to go to the Monday Night Football game a couple of days later. I took my camera with me, of course, but didn't bring the bigger lens. Kind of regretting it now since we sat so close to the field and I could've gotten SUCH good pictures... oh well... guess I'll just have to go to another game :)

And the Niners won. So awesome.
Anyway, the birthday week didn't end there. My best friend, Lauren's, birthday is 5 days after mine so we celebrated Thursday on Santana Row. Good times. Better cake... seriously. It was great. After a week of non-stop birthday-ing, it's vacation time.

BTW - you can see more birthday extravaganza pictures on my Facebook photo album