Alamo Square is home to the famous "painted ladies" - the Victorian houses from Full House and Mrs. Doubtfire. The view is amazing, behind the houses you can see the SF skyline, no wonder this place is so famous. And there are some awesome blue trees there, reminiscent of the Summer of Love (false).

Next, Lauren and I went to the Marina area and on the way drove down what was literally the scariest hill I have ever driven down (Divisadero St.) - terrified / glad I wasn't walking. Anyway, the second we got there it started POURING. I found shelter in a phone booth (does anyone use those anymore?). Soaked, we decided to go somewhere else...
We decided on the Palace of Fine Arts since it was pretty close by. They have these really cool structures there we'd be able to take cover under in case of another downpour. There is also a lake which is home to some fearless birds.
Afterward, the sun came out again and I wanted to go back to the Marina. We went and I'm pretty glad we did. I got a couple shots of the Golden Gate and a nice lady let us onto the docks. Definitely my favorite shots of the entire outing.
... Lots more on Flickr
Did you take all of these? These are my favorite photos of your trips so far! San Francisco is my favorite city I think, I'd love to do some shoots there one day.