How awesome is California? Snow one weekend and amazing spring weather the next. I had a hard time choosing where to go this weekend... but we had some friends in town and they wanted to go up to Napa to go wine tasting. Twist my arm.
Napa is much different than Livermore. It's super touristy (read: expen$ive) but beautiful. All of the wineries are really extravagant and are like mini-resorts.
Our first stop of the day was Reynolds Family Winery. The coolest part about this winery is this pond outside covered in red algae - making it look like clay. Oh! And they poured us some fancy wine for saying nice things about them on Twitter. Gotta love that.
Next we headed over to Peju Province Winery which has stunning grounds: fountains, stained glass, absolutely amazing. The wine isn't bad either. We stayed there for some time even got to check out the art gallery they have upstairs.
Finally, we headed over to Mumm. We've been to Mumm before, they make sparkling wine (not to be confused with champagne) - and they have a great little tour and a knowledgeable staff. Thanks to the weather cooperating, we got to sit outside and enjoy a view of the vineyards.
Really really happy with the way the photos came out this week. Choosing only a few to post was difficult but there are more on flickr.