I have an obsession with Food Network. Particularly, Iron Chef. For those that don't watch Iron Chef, basically the premise is that two world class chefs have one hour to make a 5 course meal & all of the courses have to contain the secret ingredient. The secret ingredient is usually something kind of weird and generally inedible like grouper fish or smelly cheese or coxcombs and the idea is that these chefs are so amazing that they'll actually make 5 tasty dishes out of it. A month or so ago, I was watching Iron Chef America and the battle was farmer's market. SNOOZE. I wish I could find The Soup clip where Joel McHale summarizes my feelings about this, but alas, internet, you have failed me. The chairman of Iron Chef is the best part of the show, he's serious about his food and can pull off a mean backflip - check out the clip below at around 3:55 - or don't, either way.
This week we headed down to the Palo Alto Farmer's Market on California Ave. I've said it before and I'll say it again - I love Palo Alto. It reminds me a lot of Boulder, there's a mix between college kids, academics, high tech nerds, and hippies. Throw in a farmer's market and you've got a good Sunday. Like every farmer's market there was fresh produce and meats - but unlike farmer's markets I've been to, this one also had a band with an accordion and a man riding a bike from 1891 (he even has a website! www.bikeroute.com).

ok now i'm officially hungry. loving the first picture and the picture of the bicycle thingy with the dude.