(Ok, I know it's not ACTUALLY week 8. I'm going to choose to humor myself though and say it is.)
Let's start with a little bit of "Fixie 101," shall we? Wikipedia defines a "fixie" (aka a "fixed-gear bicycle") as:
A fixed-gear bicycle (or fixed wheel bicycle) is a bicycle that has no freewheel, meaning it cannot coast — the pedals are always in motion when the bicycle is moving. The sprocket is screwed directly onto the hub. When the rear wheel turns, the pedals turn in the same direction. This allows a cyclist to stop without using a brake, by resisting the rotation of the cranks, and also to ride in reverse.

Easy enough right? Right! So it should also be noted that fixies are culturally associated with hipsters. Hipsters amuse me. Will, is by no means a hipster - I can't even get him to tolerate 5 seconds of Animal Collective - but he does have an unexplained fascination with fixies.
Will started transforming his road bike a few months back, and since then I've learned more about bikes than I ever thought there was to know. For example! A lock ring, is the piece of the bike that locks the cog to the rear hub. Impressive right?
So he got this new exciting frame and I decided it would be pretty neat to document the entire process end-to-end. These photos took place over a couple of days, and a lot of them were taken in our apartment - which is cramped and has miserable lighting and in no way can accomodate bike maintenance.
The entire process can be seen on my flickr - but here are the highlights.

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